Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Day the Lord Has Made

      Psalm 31 is a Psalm of Praise and Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies.  Of course, we know that our enemies are both the real forces of evil in the world which seek to devour us, and the real forces of evil within us which seek to lead us down that long spiral which descends to the very pit of Gehenna.  I love the expressiveness of the Psalm:
            In you, O LORD, I seek refuge;
                        do not let me be put to shame;
                        in your righteousness deliver me.

            You are indeed my rock and my fortress;
                        for your name’s sake lead me and guide me.

            But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, “You are my God. 
            My times are in your hand;
                        deliver me from the hand of my enemies and persecutors.
            Let your face shine upon your servant;
                        save me in your steadfast love.

      And from Psalm 118:
            This is the day that the LORD has made;
                        let us rejoice and be glad in it.               

      These verses particularly came to mind today because it is February 29th.  My mother was born on February 28th, but her sisters would kid here that she must have been born on the 29th, birth certificate not withstanding.  However, my son-in-law Timothy was born on February 29th.  This evening we took him to dinner so he could have a celebration on his actual birthday.  Brenda is having a large party for him on Saturday, when their friends will be able to attend, and we will enjoy that very much.  But this was the special day.  This was the day the Lord made as Timothy’s natal day and this was the day to remember and celebrate his birth and life. 
      We are blessed that Timothy does trust in the Lord, and knows that his times are in God’s hand.  It is always a joy to see Timothy’s concern for others, and to talk with him about the vital issues which confront us in these days.  He is interested in reading and talking about the latest theological issues being written about and discussed. 
      All of us face our enemies without and within.  All of us need to recognize that reality and trust God for our relief.  All of us who are Christian need to support and encourage one another.  All of us need to rejoice and be glad in the day which the Lord has given to us.  This Lenten season reminds us of the necessity of taking our personal spiritual growth, our relationship with God seriously.  Prayer, God speaking to us in our Reading & Writing, Fasting and Almsgiving is still the sacred tripod of that relationship.                    

Yours & His,

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