Monday, June 25, 2012

Our Role for Christ

      In our modern state of education, science, sophistication, and cultural diversity we have often lost sight of the basic truths which are the foundation of Christianity.  Because we no longer use that “old, formal, theological” language, we also tend to not read or to dismiss the writings of the great leaders of the Church from the past.  I certainly agree that in order to reach the current young generations we must use language which they understand and are willing to listen to, as well as the images and media which speaks to them.
      At the same time we must understand that the power of the Church to carry out the Will of Christ, our Head, is dependent upon our faithfulness to, and witness to those essential truths about Christ the Truth.  I would offer the following reflections on one of those truths.

      The Risen Christ has ascended to heaven, and we, the Body of Christ, are here to carry on the battles in the war against evil which Christ has already won.

      A shield before me is God.

      “I renounce thee, Satan.”  What has happened?  What is this strange and unexpected turn of events?  Although you were all quivering with fear, did you rebel against your master?  Did you look with scorn upon his cruelty?  Who has brought you to such madness?  Whence came this boldness of yours? “I have a weapon,” you say, “a strong weapon.”  What weapon, what ally?  Tell me!  “I enter into thy service, O Christ,” you reply.  “Hence, I am bold and rebel.  For I have a strong place of refuge.  This has made me superior to the demon, although heretofore I was trembling and afraid.  Therefore, I not only renounce him but also all his pomps.”
                                                                                                John Chrysostom   (Fourth century)

      Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil.  
                                                                                                                                                                 (Ephesians 6:11)

      Let us, therefore, take courage and strip ourselves for the contests.  Christ has put on us armor that is more glittering than any gold, stronger than any steel, hotter and more violent than any fire, and lighter than any breath of air.  The nature of this armor does not burden and bend our knees, but it gives wings to our limbs and lifts them up.  If you wish to take flight to heaven, this armor is no hindrance.  It is a new kind of armor, since it is a new kind of combat.
      Although I am human, I must aim my blows at demons; although clad in flesh, my struggle is with incorporeal powers.  On this account God has made my breastplate not from metal but from justice; God has prepared for me a shield which is made not of bronze but of faith.  I have, too, a sharp sword, the word of the Spirit.
                                                                                                John Chrysostom   (Fourth century)

      Take up the armor and the sword, for the battle continues today.

Yours & His,

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