Monday, June 11, 2012

Rejoice in the Power of God

      The grace and blessings of God continued to be poured out in abundance, both near and far.  Saturday we were able to share in the wedding of Robby Duckwall and Sarah Grubb.  My connection to Robby is through Mike Bennett, a pastor whom I have worked with in spiritual growth since he was in confirmation class.  After Seminary, Mike first appointment was the charge which included Union Chapel UMC in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.  The Duckwall family, mother, father, and two boys – Robby and Eric, were members there.  As Mike developed programs for all if the youth in the church, he became aware of something special in the two brothers, and they were gradually started on the journey of spiritual growth, as Mike used the techniques he had learned.  On a number of occasions I was involved with the youth there and with Robby and Eric.  They both have grown into fine young men, and it is a pleasure to watch them grow in spirit as well as in their work and contributions to society. 
      Now Robby and Sarah were being married.  Both of them have made God the center of their lives, and are determined to make God the center of their marriage.  What a joy to see their commitment to God and their love for each other.  What a joy to see a “second generation” as it were learning and following the path of spiritual growth which Mike learned and follows still.  God is indeed good.
      Some of you may recall that I asked for your prayers for Wo and his wife Lin, who are the leaders of a home church in China.  One of our “boys” who was from China got his theological education here where I met him and he started doing spiritual growth.  On returning to China he helped spread the faith and start many local churches.  About twelve years ago Lin and Wo were called by the Spirit to start a home church.  They have been leading and preaching since then. 
      Despite what the Chinese government tells our government, Christians are still being actively persecuted in China.  On Easter Sunday night Wo and Lin were dragged out of their house and put in jail, and told they were arrested for treason against the state.  There was no indictment, no trial, and certainly none of the legal protections which are so important to us.  Since that night, their church and many of us have been praying for them.  They were not treated well in prison, and there was no indication as to when there might be a trial for them. 
      Today, Sunday afternoon, after the farewell service for Dr. Tony Hunt who is leaving as our D.S., I stepped out to check with Roberta and found that I had many messages about Wo and Lin.  At this point I need you to stop and read Acts 12:6-11. 
      On Sunday, late afternoon, while he was sitting in his prison cell, a captin of the Army we suddenly at his cell and unlocking the door.  He told Wo to get his stuff and come with him.  The soldier then led him out of his cell, past the guards, past two sentry posts and out the prison gate.  He put Wo in an army car and drove to the prison were Lin was held.  Telling Wo to wait in the car, the Captain went into the prison and in a short while brought Lin out with him.  They were then taken home, and the Captain drove off. 
      No person knows what will happen next.  Will they be arrested again next month, or next year?  What we do know, and the message sent very clearly to Lin and Wo, to their home church, and to the Christian community in their region, and even to me, is that God is, as always, in charge.  God will do what God wants to do.  We often do not know the reasons, for we do not see the “Big Picture” which only God knows, but we rejoice in the blessings of the moment, and give thanks for every thing which happens, knowing that in all circumstances, whatever may come our way, God is in charge and will hold us for all eternity. 
      Last night I shared this with the people at the Catonsville UMC evening service, and found myself overwhelmed to the point of tears by the wonder of God.  After all of the dynamic healings and miracles of God I have witnessed or even been a part of, I should be able to have much better control of myself, but I just am still not able to handle it.  What I can do is rejoice and sing:
                        Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
                        Praise God, all creatures here below;
                        Praise God above, ye heavenly hosts;
                        Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Yours & His,

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