Monday, July 9, 2012

The Great Coleridge’s Advice


      We have been dealing with several births and pending births, and I looked up again this letter from Samuel Taylor Coleridge to his Godchild written on July 13, 1834, twelve days before his death.


My dear Godchild,

      Years must pass before you will be able to read, with an understanding heart, what I now write.  But I trust that the all-gracious God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Mercies, who by His only-begotten Son (all mercies in one sovereign mercy!) has redeemed you from the evil ground, and willed you to be born out of darkness, but into light, out of death, but into life, out of sin, but into righteousness, even into the “Lord our Righteousness”; I trust that He will graciously hear the prayers of your dear parents, and be with you as the Spirit of health and growth in body and mind!…

      I have know what the enjoyments and advantages of this life are, and what the more refined pleasures which learning and intellectual power can bestow; and with all the experience that more than threescore years can give I now, on the eve of my departure, declare to you…that health is a great blessing, competence obtained by honourable industry a great blessing, and a great blessing it is to have kind, faithful, and loving friends and relatives; but that the greatest of all blessings, as it is the most ennobling of all privileges, is to be indeed a Christian.  But I have been likewise through a large portion of my later life a sufferer sorely afflicted with bodily pains, languors, and manifold infirmities; and for the last three or four years have, with few and brief intervals, been confined to a sickroom, and at this moment in great weakness and heaviness write from a sick-bed, hopeless of a recovery, yet without prospect of a speedy removal; and I, thus on the very brink of the grave, solemnly bear witness to you that the Almighty Redeemer, most gracious in His promises to them that truly seek Him, is faithful to perform what He hath promised, and has preserved under all my pains and infirmities, the inward peace that passeth all understanding, with the supporting assurance of a reconciled God, who will not withdraw His Spirit from me in the conflict, and in His own time will deliver me from the Evil One!

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      And where is my faith?

Yours & His,


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