Friday, July 6, 2012

Society’s Behavior


      We complain about the materialism of today’s society, and the lack of meaningful commitment in today’s people, but St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153), in De Diligendo Deo, wrote of the same problems:

      They waste their energies in unrewarding efforts; yet they accomplish nothing, for, setting their affections on created things, they try them all in turn before they dream of trying God from whom all things proceed.  Suppose they did get everything they wanted, what would happen then?  One treasure after another would fail to satisfy, and then the only object of desire left would be the Cause of all.  It is our nature’s law that makes a man set higher value on the things he has not got than upon those he has, so that he loathes his actual possessions for longing for the things that are not his.  And this same law, when all things else in earth and heaven have failed, drives him at last to God, the Lord of all, whom hitherto alone he has not had.

      It is, however, a practical impossibility to make such trial of all other things before we turn to God.  Life is too short, our strength too limited, the number of competitors for this world’s goods too great; so long a journey, such unfruitful toil, would wear us out.  We want to satisfy all our desires, and find we cannot get possession of all desirable things.  Much wiser would we be to make the choice not by experiment but by intelligence; for this we could do easily and not without result...Indeed God gives us reason for this very purpose, that it may guide the senses in their choice and see to it that they be not satisfied except by that which reason has approved....There will therefore be no ascent to God for you, the gift of reason will have been bestowed on you in vain if, like the beasts, you let yourself be guided by your senses, while reason looks on.  They run indeed whose steps are not controlled by reason, but not along the track...How can they win, seeing they want the prize only when they have tried all else and failed?  Theirs is an endless road, a hopeless maze, who seek for goods before they seek for God.

      Or is it that he is writing about me....or even you?

Yours & His,


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