Wednesday, May 30, 2012

God as Queen of Heaven

            Gail Ramshaw-Schmidt is a contemporary commentator who is always thought provoking.  I would suggest that you not dismiss this at first reading as “feminist” writing, but read carefully for its insight.  It is from her book Letters for God’s Name.

            What if our God were Queen of Heaven?

            If our God were Queen of heaven, we could burn incense to her and bake cakes for her, and our adoration would be acceptable. 
            If our God were Queen of heaven, her crown would rest on hair long and curly and rainbowed, and we could grab on to that hair as we nursed and so be saved from falling.  Her shining face, smooth and clear as light, would enliven the universe.  And when we were poor, the Queen would take from her necklace flowing with pearls and opals and every colored gem perhaps an amber to fill our needs.  The resplendent gold of her majestic robe would be what we call the sun, and the sheen of her nightdress the moon.  Her rule would reach to the deepest corners of the darkness; her beauty would rout the devils and her wisdom rear the world.  Her royal blood would give us divinity.  Our being born again in God would be a nativity from the divine womb, God’s labor an agony of necessity; for we know it is the essence of the reign or our Queen to love with mercy.  Our death would be, as with all babies, a going home to mother.  Our life would be, as with heirs apparent, following in the train of the Queen.
            The beauty of the Sovereign has terrified the world.  She has borne us in pain and nursed us with care; and we, like Jewish children, carry her blood and are royal from rebirth in her.  For our God is Queen of all the earth, and adoration of her splendor is our life.

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      Some time ago I wrote a liturgy using seventeen scriptural names of God, including “Father,” “Mother,” “Eternal Father,” and “Expectant Mother.” 

Yours & His,

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