Friday, May 4, 2012

The Spiritual Growth Process

In talking about the nature of spiritual growth in general and the spiritual growth process which we do with various individuals in particular, I have reread  II Timothy 1:1-14.

Paul is writing to Timothy the most personal of all of his letters which have been preserved.  He is the spiritual director/mentor speaking to Timothy, a deeply committed, gifted servant of Christ, minister of the Gospel, who is still learning and growing.  I know that all of this is very familiar to you, but I thought that since our attention was drawn to this passage, we could benefit by looking at some of the principles again. 
After recalling Timothy’s sincere faith and gifts from God, as well as the role Paul has played in Timothy’s development, Paul then talks about the need for the power of God in all that Timothy does.  Paul says that God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline (II Tim. 2:7).  He then calls on Timothy to share in suffering for the gospel, relying on the power of God, and that all of this is according to God’s plan and purpose, and is God’s gift to us.  Paul reminds him that we are able to do all these things for God because God, in whom we trust, and who has trusted this work to us is not only able to guard until that day [the day of the Lord] what we have entrusted to him, but also will help us to guard the good treasure entrusted to us.  All this is made possible by the help of the Holy Spirit living in us. 
Our spiritual growth has this same purpose: to allow the fullness of God’s power to enter into us, that we might make the sacrifices necessary to bring in the reign of God.  Paul understands that the kingdom is here now, already “coming down” from heaven.  He also knows that without the power of the Holy Spirit in us, we can do nothing.  This process of growth requires great self-discipline and love.  No one person has all the answers.  The Spirit comes to us to enable us to offer ourselves in sacrifice.
I trust that each of you will be able to participate fully in this process.

Yours & His,

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