Monday, November 28, 2011

Advent: A Time for Reflection

      Thoughts on Advent. 
      William G. Storey wrote: Advent is both a beginning and an end, and alpha and an omega of the church’s year of grace.  Too often considered merely a season of preparation for the annual commemoration of Christ’s birth, this rich and many-layered season is actually designed to prepare the Christian for the glorious possibilities of the periostea [the coming of Christ in Glory].  It is a season of longing expectation—”Come, Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20).
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      “Advents” is the exact Christian Latin equivalent of the Greek word “periostea.”
      St. Gregory of Tours wrote that one of his predecessors, St. Perpetuum, who held the see of Tours around 480, decreed a fast three times a week from the feast of St. Martin, November 11, until Christmas.  In 567, the Second Council of Tours enjoined monks to fast from the beginning of December until Christmas.  This penance was soon extended to the laity and was pushed back to begin on St. Martin’s Day.  This 45-day Advent was nicknamed “St. Martin’s Lent.”  From France the practice of doing penance during Advent spread to England as is noted in Venerable Bede’s history.  In areas such as Spain and Italy, there are records of five week Advent observances.  Eventually in the Roman church the season was reduced to four weeks, which became the standard. 
      The focus of Advent is the Comings of Christ – in Bethlehem, the Incarnation; into our own hearts and lives, our personal salvation; and in Eternal Glory, to raise all of Christ’s joint heirs, those who obey him, to Victory over sin and death and to living in the Glory of God for ever.  Advent is the Promise and Fulfillment of God’s plan and purpose for all of creation.  Advent is our Hope, our Redemption, our Future, our Life.
      An early American hymn captures a large part of the spirit of Advent:

                        With inward pain my heartstrings sound,
                        My soul dissolves away;
                        Dear Sovereign, whirl the seasons round,
                        Dear Sovereign, whirl the seasons round,
                        And bring, and bring the promised day,
                        And bring the promised day.

Yours & His,

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