Friday, November 25, 2011

Devotion: The Thanksgiving & Advent Connection

      The time of Thanksgiving through Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany is always for me a time of celebrating the wonderful new things God is doing every day, while also celebrating the wonderful things God has already done in our lives.  It is a time of remembering, a time of traditions, and a time of new experiences, all interspersed and rolled up into one marvelous season.  I will repeat my self from years past in these e-mails, but will also seek to touch on the new and wonderful things God is doing this season.
      As we approach Advent I always think of one of my favorite hymns, Creator of the Stars of Night, which in England is considered an Advent hymn, though here is treated as an evening hymn.  More about that tomorrow.  I mention it today because I want to share an interesting piece by Macrina Wiederkehr which I presume is at least somewhat inspired by Creator of the Stars of Night.
                        Creator of the Stars
                        God of Epiphanies       
                        You are the Great Star
                        You have marked my path with light
                        You have filled my sky with stars
                              naming each star
                              guiding it
                              until it shines into my heart
                              awakening me to deeper seeing
                              new revelations
                              and brighter epiphanies.

                        O Infinite Star Giver
                        I now ask for wisdom and courage
                              to follow these stars
                              for their names are many
                              and my heart is fearful.

                        They shine on me wherever I go:
                              The Star of Hope
                              The Star of Mercy and Compassion
                              The Star of Justice and Peace
                              The Star of Tenderness and Love
                              The Star of Suffering
                              The Star of Joy
                        And every time I feel the shine

                              I am called
                              to follow it
                              to sing it
                              to live it...

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      An interesting mix of thanksgiving and Advent.

Yours & His,

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