Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Devotion

Thanksgiving Day Devotion Before the Meal
      Leader: Praise the Lord.  Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good;
      All:       His love endures forever.

      Scripture:    I Chronicles 29:10-13

      Prayer: Give us this day, O God, Peace in our land and the long silence that comes after strain and upheaval.  Let us sense the solemnity of this day—its mighty meaning, its deep duty.  Save this government.  Cherish its great ideals—give strength and honesty and unbending courage to him whom the people have named Chief Magistrate of these United States and make our country in truth a land where all men are free and equal in the pursuit of happiness.  Amen.
                            [A prayer for every day by W. E. B. DuBois, c. 1909]

      Scripture:    I Thessalonians 5:16-18

      Prayer: Most Holy God, Author of all Creation and every Blessing,
we give thanks and praise to you for the gift of life and gift of love.  We give you thanks and praise that even when we have failed to acknowledge you, and have turned from your path to follow our own sinful way, your love has not ceased, but that you call us back to your own self through the gift and sacrifice of Jesus for us.  We give you thanks for the outpouring of your Holy Spirit that we might receive rightly all your blessings and that we might have the strength to follow your way.  Continue to bless us, we pray, as we celebrate this Thanksgiving, and in the midst of our joy and abundance, keep us ever mindful of those who even now are hungry, cold, or without shelter; those who are lonely, sick, or afraid; those who are lost in body or spirit.  By your Spirit with us, teach us how to be your love for each of them and how to share our abundant blessings with all of your children.  Bless us as a nation that we and those who lead us,  might be truly turned to follow your Way in all things, and bring about your peace and your justice.  Now abide with us in our celebration, and always, and we will ever give you the glory through Jesus our Lord and only Savior.  Amen.

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