Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Devotion on "Those To Whom We Matter"

      Another devotion from William Barclay, entitled Those to Whom We Matter.

Lord Jesus, we know that you have rest for the tired.
Lord Jesus, we know that you have guidance for the perplexed.
Lord Jesus, we know that you have strength for the tempted.
Give us tonight your rest, your guidance, and your strength.
This we ask for your love’s sake.  Amen.

Read: Matthew 11:25-30

O God, our Father, help us to remember that you know all about us.
Keep our thoughts so clean and pure that they may be fit for you to see.
Help us so to live that even our secret actions,
the things we do when there is no man to see,
may be fit to be open to your sight.
O God, our Father, we know that there are those who love us.
Help us never to do anything to hurt or disappoint them.
Help us never to do anything which would make us less fit to be loved.
O God, our Father, we know that there are those on whom we have an influence.
Help us never to do anything which would make it easier for them to go wrong.
Help us never to place temptation in their way.
Help us to remember that there are things in this world which cost too much,
and that there are pleasures which can be too dearly bought.  And help us
to live so that life may be ever stronger and purer and kinder day by day,
so that at the end of the days there may be nothing of which to be ashamed
and nothing to regret.

A Prayer of Muhammad
O Lord, grant us to love thee; grant that we may love those that love thee;
grant that we may do the deeds that win thy love.  Make the love of thee to
be dearer to us than ourselves, our families, than wealth, and even than cool
water.  Amen.

The Blessing
The love of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and always.  Amen.

Yours & His,

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