Thursday, January 5, 2012

Epiphany Resolutions

Epiphany.  In the fifth century Leo the Great wrote:
“The gifts of God are multiplied, and we in our time experience all that the first believers did.  For though the gospel account tells us only of the days when three men, untaught by prophetic preaching or the testimonies of the Law, came from the distant East in order to know God, yet we see the same thing happening now even more clearly and on a far larger scale in the enlightenment of all who are called.”
Sixteen centuries after Leo we still experience the gifts of God multiplied.  We still are called to come to Jesus in order to truly know God.  We are still in the midst of the opportunity to remember and emulate the wisdom of the magi.
Rather than traditional New Year’s resolutions, which are so easily dropped along the way, let us resolve to be as bold as magi in seeking the presence of Jesus and as public in giving our gifts, acknowledging to the world our reverence for Jesus the Christ.

Yours & His,

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