Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Wise Men Are Coming! The Wise Men Are Coming!! The Wise Men Are Coming!!!

      Reading: Matthew 2:1-8 — The wise men come from the East and meet with Herod.

      The Wise Men are almost there/here.  They are coming here because they are coming to us, who are the Body of Christ in the world today.  They come again each year, to bring anew the truth of their search, the wisdom of their journey and the blessing of their gifts.  There is a popular bumper sticker/cliché: “Wise Men Still Seek Him.”  That may be true, but the greater truth is that God still sends Wise Men to inspire and guide us, to teach us how to make the journey of faith.         As is true throughout the scripture, God also demonstrates in the visit of the magi that God’s love, wisdom, inspiration, call, and salvation are for all people, specifically including all of the races and nations.  One of our great poets, Lanston Hughes wrote:

Carol of the Brown King

                        Of the three Wise Men
                        Who came to the King,
                        One was a brown man,
                        So they sing.

                        Of the three Wise Men
                        Who followed the Star,
                        One was a brown king
                        From afar.

                        They brought fine gifts
                        Of spices and gold
                        In jewelled boxes
                        Of beauty untold.

                        Unto His humble
                        Manger they came
                        And bowed their heads
                        In Jesus’ name.

                        Three Wise Men,
                        One dark like me –
                        Part of His
      We sometimes take for granted the notion that we are completely open and without prejudices.  We sometimes need the Wise Men to inspire and challenge us to be certain that our faith in and commitment to the God of all people is sincere and true.

Yours & His,

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