Sunday, January 1, 2012

The New Year and the Continued Journey of Faith

      While many churches observed the Epiphany on Sunday, those of us who are moving through the Twelve Days of Christmas one day at a time, know that Epiphany is yet to come, on January 6th.  We treasure each of the days of celebrating the great Christmas event, the Incarnation, and rejoice in the steady progression of time and faith, as we continue our spiritual growth.
We are on a journey.  Like the magi of old, we journey toward the fulfillment of a promise, the hope of a better life, the desire to be part of the wonder of creation.  We are making our way to - well, like the magi, we really know not where - we’ll stop at Herod’s palace hoping to find out where we are heading.  Like the magi, we will have to consult the scriptures in order to find Jesus.  Like the magi, we will find ourselves in unlikely places, and be unable to predict even where the journey will lead us tomorrow: we too may go on by a very different path.  We are on a journey shrouded in mystery and wonder and hope and joy.
Edith Stein speaks of the mystery:
“The Christian mysteries are an invisible whole.  If we become immersed in one, we are let to all the others.  Thus the way from Bethlehem leads inevitably to Golgotha, from the crib to the cross.   When the blessed virgin brought the child to the temple, Simeon prophesied that her soul would be pierced by a sword, that this child was set for the fall and the resurrection of many, for a sign that would be contradicted.  His prophecy announced the passion, the fight between light and darkness that already showed itself before the crib.”
The mystery shrouded journey continues for all those who, with the magi, are seeking the truth and revelation of God.  The journey carries us through Bethlehem, to the far corners of the world, to the inner most recesses of our personal lives, and finally up Calvary’s mountain, from whence we ascend on high. 
Rejoice in the journey.

Yours & His,

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