Monday, January 30, 2012

The Results of Neglecting Christian Disciplines

Yesterday’s comments on Einstein led once more to Thomas Merton (1915 - 1968), one of the great spiritual writers of our time.  He was a Trappist monk who lived secluded in a Kentucky monastery.  His book, The Seven Story Mountain, is already a spiritual classic.  I frequently lift up this quote to remind myself about our actual Christian witness.

We neglect prayer in the name of service,
and before long, we find ourselves asking about
the very meaning of service.

We neglect discipline and faithfulness in prayer,
in the name of spontaneity, and before long,
we find ourselves with no prayer at all in our lives.

We neglect silence for the sake of communication,
and find ourselves with no communion.

We neglect solitude for the sake of community, and
find ourselves wondering why there is nothing to say.

Yours & His,

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