Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Coming of What the World Needs Now

      One of by favorite authors is Madeleine L'Engle, who wrote this wonderful poem.  I would point out that while we are currently engaged in a “war” which is the center of our national focus, there are at least 30 wars going on in the world and we currently have our military stationed in at least 3 areas of some level of conflict as "peace keepers."  And none of those areas seem to be moving toward a genuine peace. 
      There continues to be an impasse in the Arab – Israeli relationship.  Our country continues to send very mixed signals as to our position in that situation.  We also do not press the Arab nations to provide the much needed relief for the Palestinians, which they have refused to do for 60 years because of their political agenda. 

                  It was a time like this
                  war and tumult of war,
                  a horror in the air.
                  Hungry yawned the abyss --    
                  and yet there came the star
                  and the child most wonderfully there.

                  It was a time like this
                  of fear and lust for power,
                  license and greed and blight --  
                  and yet the Prince of bliss
                  came in the darkest hour
                  in quiet and silent light.

                  And in a time like this
                  how celebrate his birth
                  when all things fall apart?
                  Ah!  wonderful it is
                  with no room on the earth
                  the stable is our heart.

      Take time to ponder and meditate on this.  Take time to obey that child/Prince and do justice and make peace.  And Pray for Peace in Jerusalem!

Yours & His,

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