Friday, December 9, 2011

Catonsville UM Church Youth - Prayers for Devotions 12/9/11

Catonsville United Methodist Church
Youth    Personal Spiritual Growth
Prayers for Use in Daily Devotions                                                                December 9, 2011

      We are coming to the close of the Second Week of Advent, still focusing on the Comings of Christ: in Bethlehem as one of us, in our hearts as our personal Savior, and to come in Glory as our Judge, the Victor over all evil, and the Eternal Christ to bring in the reality of Heaven for all who accept and love the Redeemer. 

      Almighty God, give us grace that we may cast away the works of darkness, and put upon us the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal, through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and ever.  Amen.

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      A prayer for the start of the day.

      Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought me in safety to this new day.  Preserve me with your mighty power, that I may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all I do direct me to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ my Lord.  Amen.

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      This is a prayer from Ghana for the Advent (coming) of Jesus of the Deep Forest.

Great Lion of the grasslands!
Ahunuababirim:  when you see him your heart thumps.
Lion of the tribes of Israel!
Kurotwiamansa:  the Leopard,
whose cubs cannot be caught!
Erwi:  the cat with the royal mane!
Okokuroko:  the Powerful One,
among women and men, the most beautiful of all!
Lion of the grasslands!
We call to you, “Come!”

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      Thinking about the nativity scene with the manger and the animals reminded me of this joke:

A Rabbi, a Hindu and a Lawyer
A rabbi, a Hindu and a lawyer were driving late at night in the country when their car broke down. They set out to find help and came to a farmhouse.  When they knocked at the door, the farmer explained that he had only two beds, and one of the three had to sleep in the barn with the animals.  The three quickly agreed.

The rabbi said he would sleep in the barn and let the other two have the beds.  Ten minutes after the rabbi left, there was a knock on the bedroom door.  The rabbi entered exclaiming, "I can't sleep in the barn; there is a pig in there.  It's against my religion to sleep in the same room with a pig!"

The Hindu said HE would sleep in the barn, as he had no religious problem with pigs.  However, about five minutes later, the Hindu burst through the bedroom door saying, "There's a COW in the barn!  I can't sleep in the same room as a cow!  It's against my religion!"   The lawyer, anxious to get to sleep, said he'd go to the barn, as he had no problem sleeping with animals.

In two minutes, the bedroom door burst open and the pig and the cow entered...

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      We encourage you, and your family, to use the Advent devotional booklet available in the sanctuary of the church.  As we move into the third week of Advent it is not too late to start this way of increasing your connection with God and focusing on the meaning of Advent and Christmas.

      Pray that this Advent and Christmas season may truly be a time of people receiving the good news of God’s gift of Jesus for each of us.

      Please pray for the family and friends of Officer Deriek Crouse of the Virginia Tech police force who was killed by a gunman on the campus on Wednesday.  Officer Crouse leaves a wife and five children.  Pray also for the students and personnel of Virginia Tech who have once more suffered violence on their campus.

      Please continue to pray for your teachers and everyone at your school, pray for those who are struggling with their school work, and for all of those engaged in sports, for their safety, learning of skills and fair play.

      Pray for your own families and friends also.

      In the midst of your busy schedules, please be intentional about finding some time, even 15 minutes a day, to connect to God.  Please continue to do your reading and writing.  Remember, you can call Rev. Dennis E. Dorsch at any time if you have questions or want to discuss your reading at 410-744-5127, or e-mail at

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