Monday, December 26, 2011

Catonsville UMC Youth - Christmas greetings, even if delayed, and Prayers for your devotions

Catonsville United Methodist Church
Youth    Personal Spiritual Growth
Prayers for Use in Daily Devotions                                                           December 25, 2011

      It appears that there was a problem in sending this message early Sunday morning.  I trust that belated best wishes for a Joyous Christmas will be accepted as sincere even if coming late.

      Rejoice, give thanks, and sing, for unto us a child is born!
      The Family and the Contemporary and the Traditional Christmas Eve services at the Catonsville United Methodist Church have blessed and inspired me.  Great music including wonderful solos from Messiah and a rousing “Hallelujah Chorus,” with a wide range of organ music and carols, and the Cherub, Children’s and the new Youth Choirs bringing joy and a sense of real hope at the three services.  Rev. Jeff Odom preached a challenging sermon at the Contemporary service, inviting all to accept the Christ Child into our hearts.  At the Candlelight service the scripture lessons were interspersed with wonderful music, and Rev. Mark Waddell’s sermon was relaxed but challenging: will we carry the joy and excitement of the Christmas even tinto the days after Christmas, when all is “back to normal.”
      Now, it is time to have some Christmas tea, look at the tree and listen to hear Ernestine Schumann-Heink singing “Silent Night”.  It is also time to think about each of you and to truly wish and pray for you and yours a
                                          Joyous Christmas and a Blessed New Year !

Yours & His,

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      This prayer is by John Wallace Suter (1890-1977), who for many years was Dean of the Washington Cathedral.

      Send, O God, into the darkness of this troubled world, the light of your Son: let the star of your hope touch the minds of all people with the bright beams of mercy and truth, and so direct our steps that we may always walk in the way revealed to us, as the shepherds of Bethlehem walked with joy to the manger where he dwelt who now and ever resigns in our hearts, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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      This prayer is used in Uganda.

      Blessed are you, O Christ child, that your cradle was so low that shepherds, poorest and simplest of earthly people, could yet kneel beside you, and look, level-eyed, into the face of God.  Amen.

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      From Taiwan comes this prayer for Christmas.

      O Lord, thank you for humbling yourself to be born in a manger and to become the son of a carpenter.  We thank you for bearing out sing and agony.  You died for us and rose again from the dead for us.  We thank you for bringing new birth and everlasting life for us.  You are the light of the world, the hope of human beings and our salvation.  We ask you to let us truly rejoice with those who rejoice, to weep with those who weep, and to bring your light to the world.  Amen.

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Christmas Present

It was the day after Christmas at a church in San Francisco.  Pastor Mike was looking at the nativity scene outside when he noticed the baby Jesus was missing from the figures.

Immediately, Pastor Mike turned towards the church to call the police.  But as he was about to do so, he saw little Jimmy with a red wagon, and in the wagon was the figure of the little infant, Jesus.

Pastor Mike walked up to Jimmy and said, "Well, Jimmy, where did you get the little infant?"   Jimmy replied,  "I got him from the church."

"And why did you take him?"

With a sheepish smile, Jimmy said,  "Well, about a week before Christmas I prayed to little Lord Jesus. I told him if he would bring me a red wagon for Christmas, I would give him a ride around the block in it."

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      Pray that this Christmas, the light and love of God in Jesus Christ may spread throughout the world and tough every human heart with justice, peace and joy.

      Pray for your own families and friends also.

      Continue to look for ways to give gifts of your time and service to those who are in need – elderly neighbors, people in nursing homes, people who are new to the community and may not yet have any friends here, and those who are homeless.  If you need suggestions, let me know.

      In the midst of your busy schedules, please be intentional about finding some time, even 15 minutes a day, to connect to God.  Please continue to do your reading and writing.  Remember, you can call Rev. Dennis E. Dorsch at any time if you have questions or want to discuss your reading at 410-744-5127, or e-mail at


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