Thursday, December 29, 2011

God Blesses in the Open; We Need to Witness in the Open

      We are in the midst of Christmas, yet we are also very aware that we are coming to the end of another year as the world counts things.  While the world rarely uses the title out loud today, it is still, according to official United States of America governmental reckoning on all proclamations and laws, A.D., Anno Domini, the Year of Our Lord.  For at Christmas something happened which changed the world.

      In a flash, at a trumpet crash,
      I am all at once what Christ is,
      since he was what I am.
                                             Gerald Manley Hopkins

      To cleave to God hidden beneath the inward and outward forces which animate our being and sustain it in its development is ultimately to open ourselves to, and put trust in, all the breaths of life.
                                              Pierre Teilhard do Chardin

      Origen, in the third century wrote:
      “Let us too stand in the Temple and hold God’s Son and embrace him; and that we may deserve leave to withdraw and start on our way towards a better land, let us pray to God, the all-powerful, and to the little Jesus himself, whom we so much want to speak to and hold in our arms.
      “His are glory and power now and always.  Amen.”
      “Now Lord, let your servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen your salvation...”  This season, this celebration reminds us that we are in fact God’s servants (actually the Greek word in Luke 2:29 is “slave”) and that we have now seen the salvation which God has prepared for us in the presence of all peoples.  What God has done is not hidden, but open, and our acknowledgment of it needs to be in the open.  We need, with Simeon, to give our public witness to the glory of God and what God has done for us.  To depart in peace is not necessarily to die, it is to move forward to whatever God has prepared for us.  To move forward with Jesus on the Way we are to walk with him.  It is to face every trial and tribulation with peace, the peace of Jesus the Christ in our hearts and lives.
      This is the good news for each of us.

Yours & His,

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