Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Catonsville UMC Youth - Advent Prayers and Call to Service


Prayers for Advent

O God, whose will is justice for the poor and peace for the afflicted,
      let your herald’s urgent voice pierce our hardened hearts
            and announce the dawn of your kingdom.
Before the advent of the One who baptizes with the fire of the Holy Spirit,
      let our complacency give way to conversion, oppression to justice,
      and conflict to acceptance of one another in Christ.
We ask this through the One whose coming is certain,
      whose day draws near:
      your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
      who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
      one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.
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you conceive and speak into being all creation,
and in love plan for the redemption of all humanity,
you decreed, and your Word became man,
born of the Virgin Mary.
May we come to share the divinity of Christ,
who humbled himself to share our human nature,
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. 
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      Almighty God, we ask you to use this holy season to teach us how to truly care for people:
Not only our family and friends who care for us, but also those people who do not know us, those people who do not, or cannot do anything for us.  Teach us to love as you loved us in sending your Son Jesus for us.  Teach us to love as Jesus loved us in sacrificing himself for us even though we did not deserve his care and suffering on our behalf.  As you every day abundantly bless us, may your Spirit enable us to every day bless others, especially those whom you love even if there is no one in the world to love them.  And we will ever praise you and serve you and love you as we walk with Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  Amen.
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      Use this Christmas time to find ways to truly bless others.  Look for ways to give gifts of your time and service to those who are in need – elderly neighbors, people in nursing homes, people who are new to the community and may not yet have any friends here, and those who are homeless.  If you need suggestions, let me know.

      Pray that this Advent and Christmas season may truly be a time of people receiving the good news of God’s gift of Jesus for each of us.
Remember, you can call Rev. Dennis E. Dorsch at any time if you have questions or want to discuss your reading at 410-744-5127, or e-mail at ded10@aol.com.

Yours & His,

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