Tuesday, April 17, 2012

After Easter

The great Georgia Harkness wrote this poem:

After Easter

On Easter day my heart is lifted high
With gladsome praises to the Lord of life.
The hallelujahs ring: the heavens are rife
With song and story.  He who could defy
The powers of death has risen again—it nigh
To say, “Fear not...Men, put away your strife,
I am the resurrection and the life.”
All earth seems joyous, and we need not die!

The vision fades; the Easter joy is past;
Again in dull drab paths our lot is cast.
The heavens no longer sing.  The war clouds lower.
O Lord, where art Thou in Thy risen power?
The calm voice speaks—it answers all I ask,
“I am beside you in the daily task.”

            We are working to keep the resurrection alive and well this week, and all of the year.

Yours & His,

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