Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Lord Is My Shepherd – 1 & 2

            In the 1920's the English poet Herbert E. Palmer wrote this interesting paraphrase.


The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want,
            I lie down in his meadows so green,
I follow his led where the low winds chant
            By the softly stealing stream;
And I seek to obey whate’er he saith
            Because he is my Lord;
Though I grope through the Vale of the Shadow of Death
            He draws near me, my friend and adored.
For his rod and his staff are so comforting,
            Director, and comrade, and priest;
When my foemen are boasting and trumpeting
            He leads me awhile to his Feast.
O, surely his mercy and kindness
            Shall abide after seeing is dim!
He is everlasting divineness,
            I will house me in Him


Come, little David, come now down,
            Quit for awhile the skies;
Run through the streets of London Town,
            Lend unto all your eyes.
Come with the waters the angels quaff
            From the rivers beyond the moon,
Come with your bright harp and shepherding staff
            Soon . . . Soon!

                                                                (The Unknown Warrior and Other Poems, p. 69)

Yours & His,

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