Monday, April 16, 2012

A Day When History Was Changed

            The world and life are full of remarkable coincidences, some serendipitous, some frightening, some lovely, some bazaar, some joyful, and some incredibly sad.  The evening of April 14 and early morning of April 15, 1865 and 1912.  Lincoln and the Titanic. 
            Both the assignation and the sinking depended upon a wide variety of unusual circumstances occurring in the days and hours before the actual events.  Both occurred in part because of the foolish/improper actions of key persons who had responsibility for seeing that such disasters did not occur.  Both brought about immediate shock followed by a tremendous out-pouring of grief.  Both not only had a major immediate effect on the many people directly involved, but both also had a profound effect on the course of history and on the social order. 
            It would not be inaccurate to say that each tragic event marked the end of an era.  Indeed, in each case life in this society would never be the same after these events.  Each also called into question the action, or non-action, of God.  How could a loving, merciful God allow these terrible things happen?  Where was God?  Each also, at the time, evoked comparison with the Good Friday event—the sacrifice of the innocent. 
            The passage of time has not eliminated the questions.  We still ponder these events and seek to understand the why and wherefore of them.  We realize that even after all of these years, these events have had an effect on our society and our lives.  We still struggle with the questions.  We still seek to understand God, and where God was and what God was doing on those nights of April 14.  And our answers to those questions still have a profound effect on our lives.

Yours & His,

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