Sunday, April 8, 2012


A Blessed Easter to all of you, and those you love. 

            Easter.  The "holiest" day of the liturgical calendar.
            Easter.  When most people dress up in their finest, or at least used to do so.
            Easter.  Live Bunnies and Chickies and then the problems, though not so common anymore.
            Easter.  Dyed hard boiled eggs and egg "picking,” a dying art.
            Easter.  The annual new suit or dress, and their first wearing, though again, used to be so.
            Easter.  Families getting together for dinner, and sometimes remembering to say grace.
            Easter.  Performances of St. Matthew Passion and Messiah, becoming few and far between.
            Easter.  Going to church even if you don't usually do so, with growing numbers of C & E’s.
            Easter.  White lilies and lots of bright flowers.
            Easter.  Chocolate candies, eggs, and bunnies.
            Easter.  God raising Jesus from the dead in order to redeem even me.
            Easter.  The first day of a new commitment to living fully God's love.

            Easter.  Alleluia

Yours & His,

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