Monday, April 30, 2012

A Share in the Power and Wisdom of Christ

            April 29 was the Memorial for Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor.  She was an Italian mystic and teacher.  The youngest of twenty-five children of the Sienese Benincasa family, Catherine was born at Siena in 1347.  At six she dedicated her life to serve God through her chastity.  Her parents tried to get her to marry, but showing her resolution to devote herself to a life of prayer and service she cut off her hair. [What would we make of this misfit - this rebellious young person today?]  She was eventually accepted into the Dominican Tertiaries although it was normally comprised of widows.  After three years spent in prayer and asceticism she went out to serve the poor and sick in her own city and beyond.
            In one of her many visions, Jesus told her, “…love of me and love of neighbor are one and the same thing: Since love of neighbor has its source in me, the more the soul loves me, the more she loves her neighbors.”  She reached out to prisoners and became skilled at mediating disputes and helping individuals reconcile differences.  Her work of compassion was one piece of her connection with the spiritual and political life of her day.  In her later years she became highly involved in ecclesiastical politics, trying to mediate the conflict between Florence and the Papal Government, and later, between Urban IV and the rival pope at Avignon.
            She received the sign of the stigmata, though tradition says she felt its pain, without the visible marks on her hands.  Catherine’s themes are God’s providence, the role of Christ as redeemer and mediator, and the reform of the Church.
            Although she could not write, she dictated some four hundred letters and her Dialogue, a collection of insights gained in prayer and meditative visions.  The following is from the dialogue “On Divine Providence.”
            Eternal God, eternal Trinity, you have made the blood of Christ so precious through his sharing in your divine nature.  You are a mystery as deep as the sea; the more I search, the more I find, and the more I find the more I search for you.  But I can never be satisfied, what I receive will ever leave me desiring more. When you fill my soul I have an even greater hunger, and I grow more famished for your light.  I desire above all to see you, the true light, as you really are.
            I have tasted and seen the depth of your mystery and the beauty of your creation with the light of my understanding.  I have clothed myself with your likeness and have seen what I shall be.  Eternal Father, you have given me a share in your power and the wisdom that Christ claims as his own, and your Holy Spirit has given me a new creation in the blood of your Son, and I know that you are moved with love at the beauty of your creation, for you have enlightened me. 
            Eternal Trinity, Godhead, mystery deep as the sea, you could give me no greater gift than the gift of yourself.  For you are a fire ever burning and never consumed, which itself consumes all the selfish love that fills my being.  Yes, you are a fire that takes away the coldness, illuminates the mind with its light and causes me to know your truth.  By this light, reflected as it were in a mirror, I recognize that you are the highest good, one we can neither comprehend nor fathom.   And I know that you are beauty and wisdom itself.  The food of angels, you gave yourself to man in the fire of your love.
            You are the garment which covers our nakedness, and in our hunger you are a satisfying food, for you are sweetness and in you there is no taste of bitterness, O triune God!

Yours & His,

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